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A famous adage says “a picture speaks a thousand words”. This adage is perfectly implies to the advertising banners in online marketing, which you see over internet every day. A banner literally speaks thousands of words and makes a potential customer mind to purchase or not to purchase.

Usually web banner consists of graphic design; business logo and a link back to official website. Banner can be static or animated. Let us see how advertising through banner can be advantageous for business owners.

Quality of a banner is the primary step towards success of advertising campaign.

Banner advertising campaign is cost effective. It will cost you very less to design and run a banner as compare to the other form of online advertising.

Banner advertising speeds up the lead generation process and increases the possibility of qualified leads.

Online business branding of a product and service could be done through banner advertising effectively.

RIO of the advertisement campaign can be measured in banner advertising over internet, whereas in traditional advertising RIO cannot be measured accurately.

Banner is also effective for SEO, as it will provide a link back towards your website.
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With drastic increase in online marketing, advertising and branding activities, the internet has become the primary avenue for business owners to show their presence and increase profitability against low cost. However, one has to think carefully and build powerful strategies for online business branding for long term business marketing and communication success.

In this scenario, the foremost requirement for online presence is to have a complete and state of the art website. There are two major reasons why you may want to be online and they are very different, and understanding them is essential if your online branding efforts are going to be fruitful.

1. In order to generate sales from your business website, you have to have a strong branding strategy. Prospective customer should understand the branding message clearly. They should understand easily about your products and services, ordering system and before and after sales services.

2. You need to convey the message through a website same as you have been doing it through traditional marketing and advertising efforts. Your message should be one regardless of how customers come into contact with you.

Your website in online world is your business model. Make it as user friendly as possible with all the possible customer support options at one place. Use your logo design as a brand identity to rightly position your products and services to create a long lasting brand.